Hi, I’m Amanda, a food lover and absolute feeder.
I’m also an Irish lady living in Brooklyn, NY, the last few years but more importantly I am a lover of all things food, who is always planning their next dish while inhaling their current one!
Welcome to blasta mór!
I could not be more excited to welcome you to my food blog where I’m going to, hopefully, take you down the rabbit hole that is my obsession with all things food related!
First off, I should probably explain the meaning behind the name, Blasta Mór! I am first and foremost a very proud Irish woman and so a forewarning, you’re going to see me slip in some words as Gaeilge (in Irish) and some favourite Irish recipes of mine along the way but don’t worry I’ll explain it all as best I can. Blasta (pronounced blast [like to have a blast] + ahh) means delicious/tasty as gaeilge and Mór (pronounced like bore with a m instead of a b) means big/large, put together it means big tasty, and I can’t think of a better name for this blog, what I look for in any food and what I’m trying to put out here!
Over the years I’ve been big into home cooking and I feel I have mastered the art of the weekly (mostly healthy) batch cooking, along with the calorific home fake aways and blow outs. However, due to Covid-19 restrictions and an abundance of extra free time, I’ve had both the luxury and torment of exploring the dessert world more and it now has my full attention.
I have always loved the challenge of taking what people would consider a treat or cheat meal/dish and making it as healthy as possible while saving them big punch flavours. So expect a decent mix of all in death row type of recipes alongside some down right boot camp, nutrition list box ticking recipes! I’m a feast or famine kind of woman so I’m either strict as or I’m all in indulgent, still trying to find that perfect balance, so I’m sure the recipes and blog flow will reflect that pendulum over time. Hopefully it makes for an interesting mix for you all!

“Fill your horns right to the bottom so you can enjoy the last mouthful.”
— Mary Berry, 2015.