Carrot Cake (Vegan)

Carrot Cake is most definitely one of my favourite cakes, to bake and to eat!

I have been meaning to do a vegan version of my original recipe for ages. When I started my blog I wanted to include alternative bakes too, not just healthy or low calories bakes but dietary/lifestyle alternative bakes. Just the word vegan may trigger healthy thoughts and in many ways it is a healthy choice but it is still packed full of sugar, flavour, joy and them god damn calories!!

Vegan just means absolutely no animal products. I actually feel like a bit of a fraud with this one because all I need to really replace in my carrot cake recipe is the egg! 9 out of 10, I’m replacing eggs with ground flax seed, especially in cookies, and this recipe is no different but I’m also adding some unsweetened applesauce for some extra moisture and flavour.

Ground flax seed works very well as an egg substitute as it reaches that similar consistency, helps to bind and it gives you an extra nutty flavour which is a perfect addition to carrot cake.


1 egg =

1 tbsp/15g ground flaxseed + 3 tbsp/45ml water


1/4 cup/60g unsweetened applesauce

My carrot cake is super fast and super easy to make. The most difficult part, by far, is having to shred the carrots. Of course, you can always buy shredded carrots or use large ones but this is one step I recommend not skimping. I always use baby carrots and grate them myself on the smallest side, it usually takes about 10-15 minutes if i’m doing a three tier. It keeps the carrots super moist and they’re really fine so not even noticeable to a picky texture palette.

Right, onto the good stuff! Let me know what you think or how you like to make your vegan treats.

Bacáil Sona!!

Carrot Cake (Vegan) Recipe

⏲ Prep Time: 10 minutes

⏲ Bake Time: 25-30 minutes

⏲ Rest Time: 20 minutes

🍰 Servings: 24 slices


  • 3 9inch round cake tins

  • weighing scale/measuring cups + spoons

  • 2 large mixing bowls

  • small mixing bowl

  • grater

  • spatula

  • whisk

  • stand mixer

  • frosting bag + tip

  • frosting scraper

  • offset spatula


vegan Carrot Cake

  • 3 cups/ 360g all purpose flour

  • 2 tsp/ 10g baking powder

  • 1 tsp/ 5g baking soda

  • 450g baby carrots

  • 1 1/2 cup/ 300g dark brown sugar

  • 1 1/2 cup/ 300g granulated sugar

  • 4tbsp/ 60g ground flaxseed + 180ml warm water

  • 1/2 cup/ 125g unsweetened applesauce

  • 450ml vegetable oil

  • 1tbsp/ 15g vanilla extract

  • 2 1/2 tsp/ 12.5g Ground Cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp/ 2.5 grams Salt

  • 200-300g Chopped Walnuts (Use your favourite nuts, as little or as much as your heart desires!

Vegan Vanilla Frosting

  • 530g icing/confectioners sugar

  • 24 tbsp/ 288g vegetable shortening (room temperature)

  • 1tbsp/ 15ml vanilla extract

  • 1/4 cup/ 60ml nut milk (I use almond)


carrot cake


Preheat oven 350°F, 180°C. Grease and line three 9inch cake tins.

Mix your flax seed and warm water together and set aside for about 10 minutes.

Grate your baby carrots on the smallest side and set aside. This is the most time consuming part of this recipe but oh, so worth it.

Weigh, sieve and mix your flour, cinnamon, salt, baking powder + soda in a large mixing bowl.

Add oil, apple sauce, vanilla, flax seed, sugars and carrots to a separate bowl and mix through.

Add your dry to your wet mixture and stir through, making sure it’s completely combined.

Pour your batter evenly in the three cake tins.

I like to use a weighing scale to make sure they’re accurately even but if you don’t have one you can use cups.


Bake for 25-30 minutes until a knife or cocktail stick come out clean from the center and/or the sides are pulling away from the tin and the top is set.

This cake is super super moist so don’t be nervous if it still seems quite moist. If your knife/stick comes out clean then trust it. Mine take 30 minutes.

VEgan Vanilla Frosting


Beat your vegetable shortening until pale and fluffy and then add your sugar, a cup at a time, beating through each time.

Make sure you sieve the sugar before adding it, this makes sure the frosting is completely smooth. I just sieve it directly into the bowl.

Add your vanilla and and nut milk to the bowl and beat through until smooth.

Cake Assembly


Pop your first cake layer onto a cake round on a cake stand and spread an even layer of frosting across the whole surface.


Add the second layer and add another layer of frosting.


Add your third and final layer and add frosting to the tops and sides using a spatula and frosting scraper to make a crumb layer.

Leave the cake in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes before finishing.


Add some more frosting, as much as you like and smooth out your cake.

Put whatever frosting you have left into a frosting bag with your frosting tip of choice and add it all along the edge of your cake.

Time to add your nuts! You can add them all along the side, all along the top, a tiny bit on the side and/or top or absolutely no nuts whatsoever! This is completely up to you!

Now for the good part, slice this baby up and prepare to be converted!!


Lemon Tart


Coco Pops Cake!