Coconut Cream Pie


Coconut Cream Pie

This pie is super delicious, super rich and decadent. Flaky buttery shortcrust pastry, a thick and creamy coconut custard filling, all topped with dollops of sweet fresh cream with toasted coconut flakes.

Coconut Cream Pie isn’t common at all in Ireland but it’s crazy popular in the US. Irish people love custard though and custard was always my favourite part of apple or rhubarb pie, the pastry and the custard, so coconut pie is a big hit in my books. If you haven't had it and are wondering what it tastes like, what mine does anyway, it tastes like them delicious Raffaello sweets from Ferrero Rocher!! If that doesn’t convince you to try this pie then I don’t know what will!

Traditionally this is made with shortcrust pie pastry and it’s delicious but feel free to try it with a biscuit base too. I think it’s just as good, maybe even better and it’s a lot easier and quicker than having to do pastry.

I would also highly, highly recommend using the gelatin. I always feel like a bit of a fraud using it but there’s no shame in having a perfectly set pie or cake. Loud and proud, gelatin user!

Right, onto business! Let me know what you think of the recipe, wether you have or will try it and if you have any sweet tips you like to use with your coconut pie!

Bácail Sona! 👩🏻‍🍳


Coconut Cream Pie Recipe

⏲ Prep Time: 10

⏲ Bake Time: 38 minutes

⏲ Rest Time: 4-12 hours

🥧 Servings: 12 big slices


  • 9 inch pie dish

  • rolling pin

  • large mixing bowl

  • cold butter knife

  • small mixing bowl

  • whisk

  • spatula

  • baking tray + silicon baking sheet


Pie Crust

  • 168g all purpose flour

  • 1/2tsp/ 2.5g salt

  • 4tbsp/ 30g sweetened coconut flakes

  • 56g unsalted butter (from freezer)

  • 56g vegetable shortening (from freezer)

  • 22ml cold water

  • 22ml cold vodka

coconut Pie Filling

  • 1 1/2 cups/360ml coconut milk

  • 3/4 cup/180ml heavy cream

  • 3/4 cup/180ml whole milk

  • 1 cup/70g toasted sweetened coconut flakes

  • 1/2 cup/35g sweetened coconut flakes

  • 5 large egg yolks

  • 1/4 cup/ 40g cornstarch

  • 12g gelatin powder

  • 1/4tsp/1.25g salt

  • 3/4 cup/150g granulated sugar

  • 2 tbsp/28g unsalted butter

  • 2tsp/10g vanilla extract

  • 1/4tsp/2.5g coconut extract



Feel free to buy store bought shortcrust (pie) pastry if you don’t have time or just don’t want to make your own. I love making homemade shortcrust. It’s easier than people think and it’s so satisfying to taste that flaky buttery crust.

If you want to give it a go, here’s a link to make pastry, i’ve listed the ingredients above.


Blind bake your pie crust completely, 25-30 minutes, set aside and cool completely before adding your filling.

I like to make my pastry the day before and have it chilling in the fridge overnight. I will roll it out into the pie dish and put it back into the fridge to chill the morning of or at least two hours before baking.

Coconut Pie Filling


Spread 1 cup/70g coconut flakes onto a silicon baking mat on a tray and bake at 350F, 180C for 5-10 minutes. After five minutes toss them with a spatula and check them every minute then, taking them out when they are lightly toasted.

The smell from the oven will be amazing! Add the 1/2 cup/35g regular coconut flakes to the toasted flakes, mix and set aside until using.


Add your egg yolks and sieved cornstarch to a small bowl, mix completely through and set aside.



Weigh and add coconut milk, heavy cream and whole milk into a heavy based saucepan. Add sugar and salt, mix through and heat on medium/low.



When the mix starts to come to a boil turn down the heat to low and let it simmer, less than 5 minutes. Once the mix is hot take out about 1/4 cup and add your gelatin, mix fully and set aside.



Time to temper your egg yolks.

Take 1/2 cup of your milk mixture out of the pot and slowly add it to your yolk mix. Stir it vigorously as you add it to make sure that it is fully incorporated, this will help ensure the eggs don’t scramble.



Once combined add it back into the saucepan. The mixture will start to bubble and thicken straight away. Whisk it through fully and let it cook for about 1-2 minutes.



Turn off the heat and add the gelatin mix (you don’t want this to boil or it could affect it’s setting) butter, vanilla and coconut extract, and about half of your coconut flakes.

Mix everything together, pour it into your pie crust and sprinkle a small handful of coconut flakes on top, about 20g.



Place a layer of cling film tightly over your pie, this will make sure a skin doesn’t form on the top.

Once the pie has cooled you can put it into the fridge to set completely. Leave it for at least 4 hours and up to overnight. I like to leave it overnight.


Fresh Cream topping


Add heavy cream, sieved icing/confectioners sugar and vanilla extract to your stand mixer and whisk together on medium until thick and creamy.



You can add the cream and smooth it onto your pie with a spatula or you can use an icing bag and tip to frost a design onto it.

I pipe some on and smooth it, add the rest of the coconut flakes and then pipe a nice border around the edges.


Coco Pops Cake!


Chocolate Ganache Buttercream Frosting