Irish Scones

Every day is a good day for fresh, warm delicious scones!

I’m sure everyone has an old family recipe for their favourite scones and they’re all equally delicious, I don’t think I’ve ever had a scone I don’t like! It’s a very simple recipe really with few ingredients so for me fresh and high quality ingredients are the real key to a successful scone.

Growing up we would always use milk in ours but I decided to add a little cream to the recipe to rich it up a bit and the results are every bit as yummy!

As I do with my pastry I like to grate butter directly from the freezer for my scones, it keeps it a lot cooler and makes the dough more forgiving if you over handle it. Keeping a butter knife in the freezer for a few minutes beforehand for mixing the dough is a must for me too.

Dressing your scones is a very personal thing!! Some people like just butter, some butter and jam, marmalade, cream and jam, there are no wrong answers here as long as you enjoy it! I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do and let me know if you try it out or have any questions or tips on how you like to make your scones!

Bácáil Sona!! 👩🏻‍🍳

IRISH Scones Recipe

⏲ Prep Time: 15-20 minutes

⏲ Bake Time: 15-20 minutes

⏲ Chill Time: 30 minutes

🍞 Servings 12-16


  • large mixing bowl

  • small mixing bowl

  • whisk

  • cold butter knife

  • grater

  • weighing scale/measuring cups

  • baking tray

  • silicon backing mat (optional)


  • 420g/3.5 cups all purpose flour

  • 20g/1 1/3 tbsp baking powder

  • 112g/8tbsp salted butter (from freezer)

  • 50g/1/4 cup granulated sugar

  • 60ml/1/4 cup heavy cream

  • 180ml/3/4 cup whole milk

  • 2 eggs



Preheat your oven 400°F, 200°C. Line a baking tray with parchment or a silicon baking sheet.

I love baking sheets, they’re super non stick, so easy to use and clean and bake everything perfectly, every time!

Mix your milk, cream, eggs and sugar together and set aside.

Sieve your flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Grate your butter directly into the bowl and mix it through with a cold butter knife.

Once all the butter is coated, use your cold fingertips to rub the flour and butter together, making a bread crumb consistency. Do this quickly and roughly.

Make a well in the middle of your flour mix and add your milk mixture. (Keep a small amount of your milk mixture to brush the scones before baking)

Use your cold knife to mix it through as much as you can before using your hands to pull it closer to a ball shape. You want to handle it as little as possible.

Your mixture will be very wet. Put it into the fridge for about 15 minutes before rolling it out. Flour a work surface or a silicon mat heavily and dump your scone mixture on top.

Sprinkle extra flour on top and just shape the dough with your hands, lightly patting it down and forming a circle. There’s no need to knead this.

Try and keep your dough about an inch in thickness or more depending on how big you want your scones.

Use a round cutter (size is completely up to you, mine are 2 1/2 inch) to mould your scone. Just press it down, there’s no need to turn it.

Pull the excess dough from outside the cutter and lift the cutter with the dough to your baking tray and gently push it onto the mat.

Put your tray of scones into the fridge for 20-30 minutes before baking.

Brush your scones with your milk mixture and put into the oven for 15-20 minutes, when the tops and bottoms are a nice golden brown.

I baked these for 18 minutes and they were lovely!

Serve warm with whatever you like. I think jam is an absolute must. Some people like butter and jam but my go to is fresh cream and jam, absolute heaven!!


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