White Chocolate Butter Brownies


White chocolate butter brownies with a salted caramel top.

These white chocolate brownies are packed full of butter, sugar and of course white chocolate!! Forgive me for calling them brownies when there’s not even semi-sweet chocolate in sight but I can not stand the term blondies, I can’t even say it out loud. Maybe it reminds me of hair and I’ve no desire to think of hair when I’m thinking of my deepest desires, dessert!!

Always use the best quality butter and white chocolate you can afford when making these and it will make all the difference. I like to use my favourite chocolate bars which means milky bars if I can get my hands on them or Lindt white chocolate bars, a very close second. These almost taste identical but there’s a smoothness to milky bars that’s untouchable, the nostalgia probably hits a bit with it too.

For this recipe I’m using a 8x12 rectangle baking tin but feel free to use an 8x8 or 9x9 square baking dish while making these. When I use a 9x9 I’ll bake them for 35minutes so just keep an eye on them after 25 minutes, I the time will always depend on your oven too. I honestly prefer to use the 9x9 but the larger one means I can get more squares out of it and feed more hungry people!

These never last long when I make them and will have even your ‘I’m not mad into white chocolate’ friend going back for more! Think a mix of really moist butter cake and melted white chocolate lava with a touch of soft and salted caramel… if that doesn’t convince you then I give up!! I hope you like the recipe and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions to add!

Bacáil Sona!! 👩🏻‍🍳

white chocolate butter brownies recipe



⏲ RESTING TIME: 1 hour

🍰 SERVINGS: 49 squares


  • 8 x 12 rectangle baking tin

  • large mixing bowl

  • microwave safe bowl

  • whisk

  • spatula

  • weighing scale

  • measuring spoons

  • heavy based saucepan


brownie base

  • 210g all purpose flour

  • 2g salt

  • 225g/ 2 sticks unsalted butter

  • 250g white chocolate bar

  • 100g white chocolate chips

  • 300g granulated sugar

  • 4 larges eggs

  • 15ml/ 1 tbsp vanilla extract

salted caramel top

  • 28g/ 2 tbsp unsalted butter

  • 200g granulated sugar

  • 120ml heavy cream

  • 5g/ 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1g salt


brownie base


Preheat your oven to 350°F, 180°C. Line your 8 x 12 rectangle tin with parchment and set aside.



Melt butter and 180g of your favourite white chocolate bar in the microwave mixing at 30 second intervals. Mine is usually good after 90 seconds. Make sure all the chocolate is completely melted and fully combined with the butter.


Gather and weigh out the rest of your ingredients so they’re ready to go.



Mix your melted butter and chocolate, eggs, vanilla extract and sugar together.


Add your flour and salt and fold into the mixture. Add 100g of white chocolate chips and 70g of a finely chopped white chocolate bar and mix through.



Add mixture to your tin, even out the surface and bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes until the edges are browning and starting to pull away from the sides, the middle is set but still jiggly, it will continue to set in the tin.


The time will depend on your oven and how you like your brownies. I took mine out at 28 minutes, I like them just baked, almost under baked as they continue baking after you take them out and I like that ooey gooey goodness!


Salted caramel sauce

While the brownies are baking make the salted caramel sauce for the top. Get all of the caramel ingredients together.


Add your sugar and 60 mL of water to a heavy based saucepan and heat on low. Let your sugar dissolve completely, this could take 10-15 minutes. Try not to touch it at all unless you think it’s going to burn.



Turn off the hob and add your butter, stirring vigorously. Once combined turn hob back on low and let sugar and butter brown, stirring with your whisk.

If your sugar starts to clump don’t worry or give up, just keep stirring it, as long as it doesn’t start to burn you should be good. It will start to come together, it just takes a bit of time and tlc. Keep stirring it and once all your sugar has dissolved it should be nice and smooth.


Take your pot of the hob and put it on a tea towel. Add your heavy cream and vanilla, a tablespoon at a time at first, and whisk vigorously to combine. She’s going to sizzle up with the heat of the caramel.

Once the cream is fully incorporated put the pot back on the hob and heat on low/medium to thicken up your sauce.


Once it’s nice and thick add 1gram of salt and stir through. It will thicken as it cools so don’t be too worried or spend too much time on this part.


Taste your caramel to make sure you like it, you can always add more salt, I think a gram is usually perfect.

Be careful not to burn your tongue!! I like to quickly dip a spoon in and blow on it before tasting it!

Pour your salted caramel all over your brownies and tilt the tin to cover the entire top as evenly as possible.


Let your caramel cool and set and feel free to slice your brownies as small or as large as you would like.

These should keep in a container for 3-5 days at room temperature.


Ice Cream Buttercake


Coco Pops Caramel Cookie Squares