Salted Caramel Cheesecake (No Bake!!)


Fáilte! (Fall~cha, Welcome!)

I love this cheesecake recipe! It’s taken me many angry tries to get it just right so if you know me, the fact I still love it and want to make it speaks volumes!!

The cream cheese layer reminds me of a fancy 99 (soft serve) and is a great base for any addition you’d like to try. My salted caramel sauce pairs perfectly with it, in my humble opinion! I highly recommend chopping up your favourite chocolate bar and mixing it through the cream cheese base and/or pressing it into the top before letting it set.

I made this specific one for a birthday girl who loves a plain cheesecake and caramel so I thought it would be a perfect beginners recipe cheesecake for you guys.

I would recommend making it the day before to give it enough time to set perfectly but the good news, fantastic news, is that it's NO BAKE!! If that's not easy enough for you and you want to make it even simpler, then you can melt your favourite caramel in the microwave instead of making your own, which means no oven at all!

I’ll upload my recipe soon for my mini hor d'oeuvres style cheesecakes for a fun alternative. They’re quick and equally delicious!

Slán go foill! (s-lawn g-uh foyle, Goodbye for now!)

salted caramel cheesecake

no bake!!


⏲ PREP TIME: 30 minutes

⏲ BAKING TIME: zero!

⏲ RESTING TIME: 3-12 hours

🍰 SERVINGS: 20 slices


  • 9 inch springform pan

  • stand mixer

  • food processor/blender /rolling pin

  • mixing bowl x 2

  • spatula

  • large saucepan



  • 300 grams/ 20 biscuits Digestive biscuits

  • 60 grams/ 15 tsp light brown sugar

  • 112 grams/ 8 tbsp unsalted butter

Salted Caramel Sauce

  • 200 grams granulated sugar

  • 28 grams/ 2 tbsp unsalted butter

  • 120 ml/ 8 tbsp heavy cream

Cream Cheese Filling

  • 16 oz/ 450 grams FULL FAT cream cheese

  • 96 grams granulated sugar

  • 24 grams confectioners sugar (icing/powdered sugar)

  • 200 mls heavy cream

  • 15 ml/ 1 tbsp vanilla extract

  • 1 leaf gelatin * (3 grams gelatin powder)




Add digestive biscuits to a blender or food processor.

Alternatively, you can put them into a ziplock bag and use a rolling pin to bash them into crumbs, always a fun option!

I always use digestives, I think the end result is incomparable, but feel free to use your favourite biscuits (cookies). If i'm low on digestives I like to do a mixed base, chocolate chip cookies and/or oreos would be my go to.


Throw your crumbs into a mixing bowl and add the light brown sugar. Melt butter in the microwave, add to bowl and mix. It should look like wet sand.


Push and smooth mix into your springform pan. Use the back of a spoon to spread and get an even layer, build the mix all along the edge and form an even crust with your hands.



Put pan in the freezer while you make the salted caramel sauce.

Salted Caramel Sauce


Add sugar to a good quality non stick saucepan. Watching closely, on medium, let sugar dissolve. As it starts to dissolve and turn brown whisk vigorously to make sure it doesn't burn or stick. It turns quickly so keeping a close eye on it is the secret to success!


Turn off hob, add butter and whisk quickly to incorporate. It should be a nice toffee colour.


Add heavy cream, a little at a time, constantly whisking.

Add a sprinkle of sea salt, about 2 grams, or to your taste and mix through.

Caramel should be perfect at this point but if you want it a bit thicker you can put it back on the hob, on low, and whisk it for about a minute or two!

This makes a decent amount of caramel so don't feel like you need to use it all on your cheesecake. Any leftover can be stored in a jar or container and used again (trust me, you'll find use for it!)


Take your digestive base out of the feezer and add 1/2 to 3/4 of the caramel sauce, depending on how caramely you like it. Swirl your pan to coat the sides in caramel.

Let it cool a few minutes and place back into the freezer while you make your cream cheese filling.

I like to do whatever dishes have accumulated at this point and wash down my surfaces to cut down on clean up at the end and give the base longer in the freezer.


Cream Cheese Filling


Put gelatin leaf into a tablespoon of water (15 ml) and set aside.


Whip your cold heavy cream in a stand mixer or by hand until stiff peaks form and put in the fridge.


Add room temperature cream cheese, sugar and vanilla to your stand mixer. Using the whisk head attachment mix on medium until smooth and creamy.

Put gelatin mix in microwave for 20 seconds, stir and add to cream cheese mix.

Use a spatula to scrape down the sides and bottom and mix again until everything is combined and no lumps are left.



Fold whipped cream slowly and carefully into the mixture using a spatula.


Cheesecake Construction


Fill your crust with the cheesecake mix and spread to a smooth finish.


Cover with tinfoil and place into the fridge to set for at least 12 hours.

Giving your no bake cheesecake enough time to set is the key to a perfect finish here so try and make this in advance so you're not crossing your fingers and stressing over the outcome.

The gelatin will really help a lot so I would recommend adding it. The cake should be good for up to 5 days in the fridge.


** This part is optional.

Take the cake out after about an hour or the next day. Put the rest or some of your caramel sauce in a saucepan on the hob or in the microwave and let it melt a little so it's easy to play with. Using a teaspoon drizzle the caramel over the top in lines or zigzags, whatever you prefer.

Alternatively, you could pour an even layer over the top or melt your favourite bar, caramel or plain chocolate and drizzle that over the top. You can then chop some up and stick it into the surface layer. Put back into the fridge to set or serve as is.


Bácáil Sona!! 👩🏻‍🍳


* If you need to travel with your cheesecake or just want her to set better I would recommend adding some gelatin to your mix. I only use one leaf which is the equivalent to 3 grams of gelatin powder but it definitely makes a difference to the structure and texture.


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